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October 18, 2021-October 21, 2021    
7:00 pm-10:00 pm


Bookings closed


TEST - Hilton Phoenix Chandler
2929 West Frye Road, Chandler, Arizona, 85224
Map Unavailable





Study Materials

Optional Testing

100-Question Exam

80-Question Exam

About Your Speakers


Event Details

October 18, 2021-October 21, 2021


TEST – Hilton Phoenix Chandler
2929 West Frye Road




Registration Deadline

15 October, 2021

Start Time

7:00 PM

End Time

10:00 PM

Dress Code

Golf attire set per course.



USGA Workshop Team

October 18th, 2021 (Phoenix) Night School

Seat Count: 4/40https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E

This is a description about what you’re going to expect when it comes to this event.


Jack Nicklaus

Nicknamed the Golden Bear, Nicklaus gained 73 victories in his career, including 18 major golf championships.

Sam Snead

Sam Snead has managed seven majors throughout his long and brilliant career


Day 1:

Full fun day of golf!

Day 2:


Day 3:

You guessed it – another awesome golf day!


Be sure to sign in on the official class roster at the start of all morning and afternoon sessions each of the first three days.
PGA of America members must enter their PGA eight-digit member number (not their workshop student number) next to their name on the attendance roster and attend the workshop in its entirety to be credited with 24 Member Service Requirement hours.
No partial credit is given by the PGA of America. Individuals registered for “exam only” may attend the workshop only during Day 4 to take the exam.


If you are unable to attend the workshop for which you have registered you may transfer to another open workshop on the 2020 workshop schedule for the following additional fee:

 NO CHARGE Prior to the registration deadline date of the
workshop you are transferring from. This can be done on-line.
$50 After the registration deadline date and prior to the 1st day of workshop you are transferring from. This can be done only by calling (908) 280-4571
$100 After the workshop you are transferring from
has begun and before it has ended. This can be done only by calling (908) 280-4571

Wait List Transfers

If you are on the waiting list for another workshop that is fully enrolled, and you are notified that a spot has become available
in that workshop, you may transfer out of this workshop to workshop you are on the waiting
list of at no charge. This can be done only by calling (908) 280-4571

Study Materials

The study materials available for
this workshop are:
The Rules of Golf, effective January 2019 – This is the full Rules of Golf, the primary Rules resource for officials. It contains all the playing
Rules and full definitions of terms used throughout the Rules. It includes numerous explanatory images and diagrams.
The Player’s Edition of the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019 –Written in “second person,” The Player’s Edition is intended to be the primary publication for players. It is a Rule book, not merely a summary or a “quick guide.” It gives the same answers found in the full edition of the Rules of Golf. Less frequently occurring situations are not included but advise the player that those answers are available in the full Rules of Golf book.
The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019 – This is a resource that contains information to support committees and officials that supplements the Rules of Golf. It includes: 1) the Rules of Golf, 2) interpretations that provide guidance in the understanding of terminology and the application of Rules, 3) Committee and administrative procedures, 4) a library of model Local Rules, 5) information on establishing the terms of the competition, and 6) the Modified Rules of Golf for Players with
Disabilities. Resources on the USGA website (http://www.usga.org/content/usga/ homepage/rules-hub/rulesmodernization.html) – The USGA website has an array of videos, infographics, papers, charts, answers to FAQs and quizzes on the 2019 Rules of Golf. GeneralArea.org – a website created by Rules expert Dr. Lewis Blakey. It contains essays on a variety of Rules topics, study aids, Rules quizzes and more. It is available at http://generalarea.org/.


If you need to withdraw from a workshop and you are not able to attend another workshop on the 2021 workshop schedule, you can request a refund as follows:

Prior to the registration deadline date of the
workshop you are withdrawing from and prior to the date publications are shipped to you. This can be done online.
Prior to the registration deadline date of the
workshop you are withdrawing from. This can be done online.
After the deadline date of the workshop you are withdrawing from and prior to the 1st day of that workshop. This can be done only by calling (908) 280-4571
After the workshop that you are withdrawing
from has begun. This can be done only by
calling (908) 280-4571
only $75
Prior to registration deadline date (this can be
done online)
$50 after
that date
This can be done only by calling (908) 280-4571

Optional Testing

Testing is offered on the morning of Day 4. It starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m.
Two different optional exams are offered. The 100- Question exam provides you the opportunity to achieve “Expert” Rules certification from the USGA. Both the 100- question and 80-question exams provide you the opportunity to achieve “Advanced” Rules certification
from the USGA.
Exams are not graded on site. However, reviews following the conclusion of the exams are conducted by the instructors and coordinator. The 100-question and 80-question exams are reviewed separately and only participants who have taken an exam that morning may attend the review of the exam they took.
The reviews begin at approximately 11:45 a.m. and usually conclude between an hour to an hour and 45 minutes later. During the review, participants who kept track of their answers while taking their exam can unofficially determine their score. Official test results are compiled by the USGA and emailed to each participant approximately 10 days after each exam. Note: Special ADA reader assistance is available.
Attendees interested in such assistance must notify the USGA of their request at the time of registration for a workshop and complete the required paperwork prior to the workshop registration deadline date of the workshop they attend. There is no additional charge for ADA

100-Question Exam

This exam consists of 100 questions, each with four possible answers, testing the breadth and depth of participants’ knowledge of the Rules of Golf, including knowledge of definitions and the interpretations. Part I (questions 1-50) is closed book, no reference materials are allowed while answering these questions. Part II (questions 51-100) is open book and open notes, however the use of electronic reference materials (including but not limited to personal computers, smart phones, iPads and the like) is prohibited. There will be one version of the 100-question Rules of Golf exam offered during the 2020 Workshop schedule (October 2019 through April 2020). While you may attend as many workshops as you wish, individuals may only take the 2020 100 question exam one time during the 18 scheduled workshops. For example, if you attend a workshop in the Fall and take the 2020 100-question exam during that workshop, you cannot take the 2020 100-question exam for the duration of the 2020 Workshop schedule.

80-Question Exam

This exam consists of 80 questions, each with four possible answers, testing the fundamental understanding of participants’ knowledge the Rules of Golf, definitions and interpretations. Part I (questions 1- 40) is closed book, no reference materials are allowed while answering these questions.
Part II (questions 41-80) is open book and open notes, however the use of electronic reference materials (including but not limited to personal computers, smart phones, iPads and the like) is prohibited.
There will be one version of the 80-question Rules of Golf exam offered during the 2020 Workshop schedule (October 2019 through April 2020). While you may attend as many workshops as you wish, individuals may only take the 2020 80-question exam one time during
the 18 workshops. For example, if you attend a workshop in the Fall and take the 2020 80-question exam during that workshop, you cannot take the 2020 80-question exam again.
Allied Golf Associations are able to proctor the 80- question exam. AGAs will continue to give the 2019 80- question exam until January 1, 2019. Beginning on January 1, 2019, AGAs will give the 2020 80- question exam. You may only take each of these versions one time. For example, if you take the 2019 80- question exam at an AGA, you can take the 2020 80- question exam at either a 2020 Rules of Golf workshop or at an AGA after January 1, 2020. If you take the 2020 80-
question exam at a workshop or at your AGA, you cannot take the 2020 80-question exam again (whether at a workshop or through an AGA).

About your Speakers

Michael Cain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Anna Wintour

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Leslie Mann

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Workshop Cost


You Must be Logged in to Join this Workshop.


You must log in or register to make a booking.
